This blog has come about because of a segment that A.J. in the morning @94.1 here in San Diego did/does on his morning show. I would hear it once in a while at work & it would always put a smile on my face. Listeners would call & answer the question. "Why are you smiling?"- there would be all kinds of responses - I'm going to Las Vegas for my birthday - my brother's wife just had a baby boy - today is my last day of chemo, the time the segment was over I was smiling too!!! I don't hear it as often as I would like so I thought it would be nice to know what is making others smile so I can smile too.
When you smile - not just move the muscles on your face but really smile - all the way up to our eyes - you feel good & if you really take a moment & experience that smile - really feel it - you'll raise your vibrations and in turn everyone that you share that smile with. Who knows - the next thing we know we'll have the planet glowing & vibrating at that high smile level too.